Kornelia Berceo-Schneider

Expert translations in language-combinations English-Spanish-German





Languages have always been my passion and apart from my secretarial/administrative degree including commercial English, I achieved official diplomas for Spanish and German accrediting me to teach and translate/interpret.


I´m currently based in Argentina which gives my clients overseas the chance to send late orders and get them going immediately (depending on volume, of course).






My 35 years of professional experience in varied fields such as secretary, personal assistant, Import-Export translator, PR, travel-guide and representant for the world´s biggest touroperator, gave me a wide range of knowledge and skills.


Mother-tongue German, proficiency of English and Commercial English, Spanish as a second mother-tongue (living in spanish-speaking countries for over 30 years). Translations of several books, brochures, articles, miscellaneous. Translation of credit-contracts for the world´s biggest touroperator.


For full details, see CV in Portfolio.






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